The Apothecary

Forming Thoughts

The first step to writing is simply writing despite the quality at first...

Now that school is in a momentary lull I've put more effort on putting together an analysis on Spinoza and Stirner (not together just separately). It's nice since I give myself an excuse to reread some of my favorite writers both who put serious amounts of time into the works they wrote. Of course I likely won't ever be able to call myself a scholar of either since I'm struggling to learn French in my free time. To add Latin (to be fair I've already taken courses for it), Dutch, and German on top would really be a nightmare. But that's alright, this is meant for me and getting a pat on the head from academia isn't necessary.

To start off with I'm mainly taking notes and rereading 'The Philosophy of Spinoza - Special Edition' and 'The Unique and It's Property'. In the analysis I do a bit of interpretation as I go along, but I mostly try to leave it to when I'm finished. From there I'll do critique and evaluation, before moving to include secondary information. Once I'm done I plan on linking it all in some form here, and continuing on with other authors as well. In the time in between updating that I'll write reviews on the books I've given a first reading to, like for example the most recent paperback 'The Moral Fool' which I found...rather lacking.


Self Portrait

Still in thought, please don't mind the mess...


This site is intended to serve as an ongoing pet project, and a place for me to store my thoughts. I intend to keep this page as a blog as my life goes on, while keeping separate pages for other topics.